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What Does Michael Karl Speak About?

The worlds of business and magic are very similar. Connection, practice, skills, timing, influence, persuasion, perspective. Michael is a Communications Speaker who weaves these messages together with stories and then infuses them with magic and mind-reading to create presentations unlike anything your audience will ever experience... 

And most of all, he deeply engages your audience for the entirety of the presentation, leaving everyone at the edge of their seats.

Participation is highly encouraged and having fun always helps solidify the content. 

…This isn’t your normal ‘tell a story’ or ‘raise your hand’ type of engagement that audiences have come to expect…

…This is an absolute experience that audiences will talk about for a long time!

The Keynote:

Increase Your Impact: How to Lead Through Influence

Michael will present on 3 of the following ideas during his talk. Mix and match ideas to build a custom presentation based on your needs or during the discovery call Michael will ask questions to uncover what would be the best fit.

Topics Include:

Choose any 3 of the following topics for a customized presentation


“You are the direct reflection of the top 5 people you spend time with”

In this presentation, Michael takes you exclusively behind the scenes and shows you how magicians are able to influence their spectators in an incredible way. It is through this demonstration that Michael asks the question: "Who is influencing you in your life"' and "Are your decisions really your own?" Michael will demonstrate techniques on blocking out negative influence, and gaining and maintaining a positive mind set. Imagine just for a moment that you “got up on the right side of the bed” every single day for the next three months. How would that change your life? How would that change your business? Mindset is everything.


“Collaboration leads to innovation”

With this topic, Michael presents the audience with several magic performances, and invites them to offer their solutions as to how they were done. In going through this process, the audience learns quickly that perspective is the key to solving any problem. After all, magic is just a problem that the general public do not have the solution to. While it may appear complicated, remember that magic tricks are problems specifically designed to never be solved. Now if you can get even a small insight into how to solve magic tricks, imagine the clarity you will take into the other problems in your business and personal lives. Magicians are great problem solvers: it's a skill they inherit as a result of learning such a secretive art.


“Effort is everything”

The interesting thing about magic is, to be a great magician, it takes practice, time and effort. In life it’s not about who is the most talented or most skilled or even the smartest. Effort overcomes everything. Michael will present one of his most difficult to master feats that took him over 9 years to achieve. He will break down how through consistency and hard work that nobody else sees, that is what makes it all possible and almost look effortless.

Anything is Possible

“Your beliefs dictate your actions”

Magic is an art that is created to demonstrate the impossible. The beautiful thing about this is that the very nature of magic shows us that things that are seemingly impossible can be made to happen. Michael highlights this concept by first accomplishing an immensely impressive feat, and follows this by walking the audience through how this seemingly impossible feat was actually achieved. Through several powerful exercises, Michael is able to break down the barriers that we have in our minds, which hold us back from accomplishing truly amazing things. As cliché as it may come across to begin with, the undeniable feat that Michael demonstrates right before our very eyes proves that anything is indeed possible. Definitely a key finishing statement to the audience that leaves them on an extremely high note.

Exploring Curiosity

“when lacking curiosity we often dismiss new opportunities instead of taking the time to explore them”

We are all born curious, it’s only as we get older that we often loose our sense of curiosity and get set in our ways. As technology expands, business grow, things change, new opportunities always arise. It’s up to us to identify these opportunities and take advantage of them. Curiosity is what leads us to placers we don’t expect to end up. Come on this journey and explore the one question that will spark your curiosity and lead you down a path of wonder and opportunity.


“Knowing what to say and when to say it can make all the difference”

Just imagine being able to change peoples’ minds around you by knowing what to say and when to say it. What impact would that have on your world? Learning these magic words that talk to the subconscious part of the brain will allow you to have more control and more confidence during critical conversations. Just imagine knowing the secret words and phrases to use to increase sales, motivate the team and build relationships. Michael will demonstrate these techniques to persuade the attendees to make the decisions he wants and then break down how we can use these words in our everyday interactions.